Valdipiatta's d'Alfiero Vineyard
 February 24 2012, 15:00

Click For Large ViewThe third of the afternoon vertical tastings of Montepulciano during the Anteprima was at Valdipiatta. Guilio Caporali, below with his daughter Miriam who took control of the property in 2002, was highlighting ten vintages dating back to 1983 of his d'Alfiero vineyard, which until 1999 was sold only as a Riserva. Often accused of being a touch too modern in style, I was surprised at how his estate's wines aged. In particular, the 1998, tinged with liquorice, balsam and herbs, was a pure delight. I seldom have the opportunity to drink mature Vino Nobile. My experience now indicates that I should buy a few cases of some of my favourites and forget them for a few years in my cellar. Comments


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