Revenge of Critter Labels
 April 22 2012, 14:16

Click For Large ViewI am often surprised to note that airlines will occasionally pour premium spirits, but seldom anything better than lacklustre wines. At the business lounge in Narita, they served only one red wine, a 2009 Pinot Noir called 'Terroir des Dinosaures" from the upper Aude valley. Dedicated to a large reptile bird apparently named Gargantuavis, it is, I suppose, the latest in what many have called 'critter labels', even using brackets much like Yellow Tail to give it a modern edge. Is then the use of the word 'terroir' to provide the wine a sense of place? In any case, the easily understood French certainly makes it more attractive in markets that still believe that cheap French is superior to something better from elsewhere. The flavour, though, made a gin and tonic appear to be a more attractive alternative. Paying a few Euros more for a better bottle would appear to add but little cost to the price of an already expensive flight, but with millions of passengers each year the numbers stack up. Comments


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